
Odoo文档 允许您在Odoo中保存、查看和管理文件。



By going to Documents ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings, you can enable the centralization of files attached to a specific area of your activity. For example, by ticking Human Resources, your HR documents are automatically available in the HR workspace, while documents related to Payroll are automatically available in the Payroll sub-workspace . You can change the default workspace by using the dropdown menu and edit its properties by clicking the internal link button ().

Enable the centralization of files attached to a specific area of your activity.


  • If you enable the centralization of your accounting files and documents, it is necessary to click on Journals and define each journal independently to allow automatic synchronization.

    Enable the centralization of files attached to your accounting.
  • If you select a new workspace, existing documents aren’t moved. Only newly created documents will be found under the new workspace.


Workspaces are hierarchical folders having their own set of tags and actions. Default workspaces exist, but you can create your own by going to Documents ‣ Configuration ‣ Workspaces and clicking on Create.


Workspaces and Sub-workspaces can be created, edited, or deleted by clicking on the gear icon on the left menu.

Create sub-workspaces from the left menu


Tags are used within workspaces to add a level of differentiation between documents. They are organized per category and filters can be used to sort them.


  • The tags of a parent workspace apply to the child workspaces automatically.

  • Tags can be created and modified by going to Configuration ‣ Tags.

  • Tags can also be created, edited, or deleted, by clicking on the gear icon , on the left menu.


When clicking on a specific document, the right panel displays different options. On the top, additional options might be available: Download, Share, Replace, Lock or Split. It is also possible to Open chatter or Archive the document.

right panel options

Then, you can modify the name of your file by clicking on Document. A Contact or an Owner can be assigned. The related Workspace can be modified and it is possible to access the related Journal Entry or to add Tags.


  • The Contact is the person related to the document and assigned to it. He can only view the document and not modify it. I.e.: an existing supplier in your database is the contact for their bill.

  • The person who creates a document is, by default Owner of it and has complete rights to the document. It is possible to replace the owner of a document. I.e.: an employee must be owner of a document to be able to see it in “My Profile”.

Finally, different Actions are available at the bottom of the right panel, depending on the workspace where your document is stored.


Workflow actions help you streamline the management of your documents and your overall business operations. These are automated actions that can be created and customized for each workspace. For example, create documents, process bills, sign, organize files, add tags to a file or move it to another workspace with a single click etc. These workflow actions appear on the right panel when it meets the criteria you set.


To create workflow actions, go to Documents ‣ Configuration ‣ Actions and then click on Create.


An action applies to all Child Workspaces under the Parent Workspace you selected.


You can Create a new Action or edit an existing one. You can define the Action Name and then set the conditions that trigger the appearance of the action button () on the right-side panel when selecting a file.


  1. Tags: you can both use the Contains and Does not contain conditions, meaning the files must have or mustn’t have the tags set here.

  2. Contact: the files must be associated with the contact set here.

  3. Owner: the files must be associated with the owner set here.







To access the Domain condition, the developer mode needs to be activated. Once that’s done, select the Domain condition type, and click on Add Filter.


To create a rule, you typically select a field, an operator, and a value. For example, if you want to add a workflow action to all the PDF files inside a workspace, set the field to Mime Type, the operator to contains, and the value to pdf.


Click on Add node (plus-circle icon) and Add branch (ellipsis icon) to add conditions and sub-conditions. You can then specify if your rule should match ALL or ANY conditions. You can also edit the rule directly using the Code editor.



Select the Actions tab to set up your action. You can simultaneously:

  • 设置联系人:为文件添加联系人,或用新联系人替换现有联系人。

  • 设置所有人:为文件添加所有人,或用新所有人替换现有所有人。

  • 移至工作区:将文件移至任何工作区。

  • 创建:在数据库中创建附至文件的以下项目之一:

    • 产品模板:创建可直接编辑的产品。

    • 任务:创建可直接编辑的项目任务。

    • 签名请求:创建要发送的签名模板。

    • 直接签名:创建直接签名的签名模板。

    • 供应商应付:创建利用文字识别和人工智能技术从文件内容提取信息的供应商账单。

    • 客户开票:创建利用文字识别和人工智能技术从文件内容提取信息的客户开票。

    • 供应商退款单:创建利用文字识别和人工智能技术从文件内容提取信息的供应商退款单。

    • 退款单:创建利用文字识别和人工智能技术从文件内容提取信息的退款单。

    • 申请人:创建可以直接编辑的人力资源应用程序。

  • 设置标记:添加、删除和替换任意数量的标记。

  • 活动—将所有活动标记为已完成:将所有关联至文件的活动标记为已完成。

  • 活动—计划活动:创建在操作中配置并关联至文件的活动。您可以选择在文件所有人下设置活动。

Odoo 档管理应用程序中工作流操作示例

Digitize documents with AI and optical character recognition (OCR)

Documents available in the Finance workspace can be digitized. Select the document you want to digitize, click on Create Bill, Create Customer Invoice or Create credit note, and then click on Send for Digitization.